Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

We all have to make decisions

This week we had to do a "Aesthetic Biography" for school. What we had to do in the beginning of the week is to bring a photo from the past which is important for our development. When I was younger I used to fence. I brought a photo of a competition which shows 3 other girls an me each of us holding a medal. On the photo I was about seven years old. Fencing became later a big part of my life - specially when I got into the national team. Later, when it was about university, I had to decide which passion was bigger: the drawing or the fencing. I had enough from all the competitions. That was not the life I wanted. So I chose to go to an arts universitiy. I never regretted that decision. But after all, I still do fencing and it will always be a part of my life. 

Montag, 9. Januar 2012

Two Portraits

I caught a cold this weekend and stayed the most time drinking tea in bed. When I got better I really wanted to draw. As I stayed at my parent's I didn't have my tools with I usually use to draw. I found that old carbon-set I once got for Christmas and never really used. Actually I really got to like to draw with carbon-pencils and took the carbon-set to our flat in Zurich. Here the results. 

Sonntag, 8. Januar 2012


A couple of years ago I got a carbon set. I never really drew something with that but why not try something new?

I'll post the drawing as soon as it's finished.

Have a nice evening.
